Shaffer and Company

Here in the heart of Clearwater, Fl lies a historic home welcoming this young family of 5 and their puppy, Luther. Just before the couches, beds, and dressers made their way into the home, the dust of filing cabinets, office desks, and ringing phones of a business office were beginning to settle. Linawa and Josh Shaffer and their three girls love the character of this old home and began making it their own just a short three months ago.  With portraits just starting to find their place on the walls, everyone is getting use to the new layout and finding the space where they can enjoy time together.

The smell of fresh coffee as the door slowly opened, the familiar eyes of a small child greeting me I had only seen through photographs, a Mother giving her daughters loving, pampering attention,  sounds of an old wood floor beneath my feet and Dad making breakfast in the kitchen, this was the heart of their new home.

It is with a heavy heart that with a new location and unfamiliar boundaries comes a very sad ending. At just 6 months of age, Luther, the family dog had his life taken yesterday just as the family witnessed the accident in trying to retrieve him just steps away from their home. My thoughts are with with family as they grieve such a tremendous loss and hope they find comfort with the memories they're left with.